Monday, 28 July 2008

Resume June-July

In June, Deciertopicante has re-opened “Thespis Cafe”. A small, cosy place to have a drink and hapje is a side-project to generate income for sustaining artistic work of DCP. Every Thursday is called Jueves de Vanguardia (Thursday of Vanguard) and it's a culture program with focus on artistic innovation. It consists in shows, performances, art-cases, lectures, readings, interviews, etc. DCP has opened this series with presenting “Los Musicos de Bremen” a play directed by Roberto Palza based on the story of Grimm Brothers.
It is important to stress, that playing in non-conventional space of the cafe, using some structures of improvisation, the group showed evidence of progress, that our workshop is bringing results, that they are able to break old schemes and adapt “instant composition in real time in non conventional spaces” to enrich their artistic proposal. But for whom?
The attendance is poor, even though, the entrance is free. Might be due to the winter time, that keeps people home, might be due to not enough publicity, or simply, “Thespis Cafe” needs time...
In the meantime DCP continues to work hard. They realize autonomous work for primary schools commissioned by Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y la Priopiedad Intelectual, (INDECOPI). It is didactic theater with imposed subject or theme. And it is good paid. One more side project to make possible financial support for other artistic activities and productions of DCP.
In the month of June and July the group is realizing 30 shows, and, attention, every morning their performance in schools is seen by 100 -700 kids! The discussion about how to bring other artistic proposal, not imposed neither didactic, is in the air.

I am closing this first half of the placement with an anxious reflection, where does the energy and dedication to form second generation of actors go? One third of the DCP group will finish soon their universities. I share Roberto Palza's worries, that the family, which has great power in Latin America, soon starts to make pressure and stress the need for economical help for the family, who has maintained the child during their studies. Theater is seen as hobby, not as profession, and now is time to “pay back” and help by their younger brothers and sisters, which remains in number of 3, 4, 5 or more at home...

Next question appears: would be possible to support better the artistic development of their kids? Why couldn't theater or performing arts give better future? What if it could? How can I, with this small project influence such a big change...?

Calientes- 20km from Tacna, Sunday trip

Alice(s) is born

3 women

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Once more temblor

They said it was pretty strong, but I don't recognize the force of this earth-shake last night. I jus woke up completly disorientated. The most anxious moment is the one of waiting for the end of the shake (never know how long it will be) and the excpectation if it would repeat perhaps stronger...

Sunday, 6 July 2008

We queue for a change...


This HAPPENING took place during LET 3-
Experimental Theater Laboratory
orgenized by Deciertopicante
on the 5th&6th July 2008
in Tacna...

We queued for a change...

Pons Muzzo 450

What do I do after rehearsals with DCP?