Saturday, 14 June 2008

And how did it go...?

With a delay, I share with you what has happened on our first public show of work-in-progress.
"Fronteras" and "Alice baila", the first ever contemporary dance experiment by Deciertopicante. The 3 videos are available here
One of the most important comments made by an old man after he saw the first evening, was that every theater work should begin from what we have done- plasticity of the body and physical work. He congratulated with highest admiration. The second strong feeling about this presentations, for me, was the feeling of a Black Whole... We made something for the first time in Tacna and the audience was confronted with unknown art form. They were unsure how to "understand" it and what it is all about. They were confused how to enjoy it. They clapped but left the theater quickly. Their experience disappeared as if absorbed into a black whole with no response, no dialogue... I think, what the public needs, is to open up a bit more and to drop from the level of "understanding" to the level of sensing.
The third important complement we have received from Theater Embassy, who knows the previous work of Deciertopicante. They were highly surprised what has been achieved in only 2 months in terms of changing the artistic language and breaking the traditional way of working by the actors.
We are one step further.

Listen to the interview with Lucho Montenegro and me in Radio Tacna after the shows.
(Spanish speaking.)
Radio Tacna_2J.GIGLIO - margarita

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