Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Interview in Radio Tacna

I am updating radio interviews, where we talked about our projects. The first is by Jose Giglio in Radio Tacna, just after my arrival to Tacna, in begging of April. Spanish speaking!
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11-4-08 - 01 - margarita haduch, teatro con decierto picante

I talk about the reason and way how do I get to Tacna and about the grant from Instytut Adama Mickiewicza for my artistic research here. Roberto and I present the plan for my placement here- workshops and the production, which be premiered half August. The first subject to discuss is the need to change stereotypes, about the presence of man in dance. The parents here and in South America, while mentioning ballet for a boy react- no! my son has to be A MAN. I share, that this thought is still present as well in my culture in Poland, unlike Netherlands, where to be a male-dancer is an advantage to find good work. Further, Jose asks about the costumes used in contemporary dance and if it is possible to incorporate typical clothing from this zone for a performance. We talk about the message of a contemporary dance performance and that it is not necessary to look for narration or a story, yet the emotional states are the ones to communicate. We wonder if improvisation is a new concept or new practice and how art can play role in the sustainable development. Jose tells the story of Teatro Orfeon, which used to play important role in the years of Chilean occupation of Tacna (49 years). The theater kept reach culture activity as form of resistance to the foreign regime. In the end they discuss the current national budget for 2008 and the unfortunate situation that even 1% of it is not directed to culture.

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