Sunday, 6 April 2008

Radio on Sunday

Ivan Ilona-Chambi-Paredes Mamani-Cipani Mamani-Hicuacuanca-Capacutez-Mamani Lopez- Mamani Flores-Acho Caniari-Puma Lobom-Hurriaga Concha-Vargas Tejada-Oscar Luna Abalos-Mamani Cori-Huacha Patinio- Marufo Carido- Churra Churra- Gimenez Guiterrez...

On Sunday, the 6th of April, the radio announced who was accepted to the Univeristy. In that case Ingenieria Mecanica, Ing. Civil and Ing. de Minas. Family members were gathered in front of the radio listening with hold breaths the announcement...

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