Saturday 19 April 2008

Teatro Orfeon y Proyecto TAKORA

This is Teatro Orfeon. It is dated 1850, really old and full of fantasmas. Charged. Magic.
Here, the theatre group Deciertopicante has their base.
Our project is called "Takora", as one of the volcano's pick in the horizon, and is focused on new dance development and site-specific performance. "Takora" embraces several activities: basic and advanced workshop for members of Deciertopicante, dance improvisations evry month, 2 productions, basic workshop of video as well personal research inlands.
We have rehearsals evry day from 19:00-22:00, three times per week with the advanced group and twice with the basic. During the daytime, the members of DCP are busy with their other jobs, academies or internships (mainly as teachers of fine arts in primary schools). The theatre education does not exist.

It is a challenge for both sides, to sink with trust into new artistic language. To discover- is to search with new eyes.

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